You can find our livestreams on Facebook and Discord every Sunday morning. Service starts at 10:30 AM. Be sure to check us out if you can't make it in person!
Prayer Requests
We have a great team of people waiting to help with your prayer needs. Text us at (833) 222-0165 for any prayers, stories, or questions. Reach out to us on Sundays while you visit for prayer in person.
Giving Online
We do our online giving through Vanco. It's a safe, convenient way of making donations to Bethel.
- Download the app, and use your smart phone to make secure, convenient one-time or reoccurring donations to Bethel.
- Search for our church name
- Select a fund and amount to give (i.e., Tithe, Missions, Bldg. Fund, etc.)
- Provide debit/credit card or checking/savings account information. Use name exactly as it appears on your statement.
We've been using this means to receive donations for several years and we'd like to extend Vanco to anyone who'd like to use this convenient method. If you use a debit/credit card there is a fee of 2.75%. Please contact our office for any questions or concerns.